My first Linux installed and used was RedHat 5.0 Hurricane from 1997. And I’ve been a RedHat desktop user until the 9 came out in 2003. Now 8 years later I am back again. Been long lost in many distributions but seems like finally fedora convinced me to come back πŸ™‚ So here I am Read More →

1. Browse downloads in browser and select the one you need 2. Get the login screen 3. copy redirectUrl param from the address bar of your browser 4. get back to terminal window 5. type: wget –post-data=’redirectUrl= &username=&password=’ hit Enter and watche the download progress Hope it helps. And don’t forgret you have downloaded Read More →

Or should I say the business is outdated? Just spoke today with some salesman that was at Fastweb (one of the largest Italian MAN providers that also gives NATed access to Internet) Β to offer some software solutions. Skipping over the jokes and technical staff, here is the sentence important in this context: And then I Read More →

Oracle has changed Solaris 10 license from “free to use” to “90 days trial” Expect trials for Java SE, MySQL and some “light” versions barely working you can get for free: Now, with its acquisition of Sun finalized, it seems that Oracle has appended this sentence to the license paragraph above: Please remember, your right Read More →

Problem: you have a shared remote backup space and you want to backup sensitive data from your servers There is a plenty of options out there, in my situation I have a Linux server with shell access where to take files and a shell account on BSD with 75GB of space where to put these Read More →